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Operation Modes

Operation modes are a relatively unique concept to the dogs serialization library. They are used to provide different ways of consuming the auto-generated structure definitions.

All converters must implement resolveOperationMode. This function is used to lookup converter specific operation modes, like the NativeSerializerMode.

To make handling the operation modes more intuitive, the OperationMapMixin<T> is provided. It is used to provide a lookup table for operation modes.

OperationMapMixin getter of the DateTimeConverter
Map<Type, OperationMode<DateTime> Function()> get modes => {
  NativeSerializerMode: () => NativeSerializerMode.create(
    serializer: (value, engine) => value.toIso8601String(),
    deserializer: (value, engine) => DateTime.parse(value)),

Mode Registry

Operation modes are always resolved through the OperationModeRegistry. This registry serves as a central cache and mapping from converters and types to operation mode entries. Child engines will always have their independent operation mode registry.

Modes do not need to be registered!

The registration is handled on the fly by the OperationModeRegistry. If a mode is not found in the registry, the registry will try to infer the operation mode using the OperationModeFactory

Operation Mode Factories

If an operation mode is not found in the registry, the registry will try infer the operation mode using the OperationModeFactory list of its engine. Those factories can provide operation modes for converters that do not define the required operation modes themselves. Using this mechanism, packages can provide operation modes for converters that are not under their control. This feature is used by the dogs_forms package to provide operation modes for the AutoFormFieldFactory.

The OperationModeFactory class defines several static functions that can be used to create and combine factories for specific converter or structure types.

Default factory composition for dogs_forms
final defaultFormFactories = OperationModeFactory.compose<AutoFormFieldFactory>([
      AutoFormFieldFactory>(const TextFieldFormFieldFactory()),
  // [...]
  ListFieldOperationModeFactory<String>(const TextFieldFormFieldFactory()),
  ListFieldOperationModeFactory<int>(const IntTextFieldFormFieldFactory()),
  // [...]



The native operation mode is the most basic operation mode. It is used to serialize and deserialize objects to and from dart maps that can be directly serialized to json. Most of the dogs library is built around this operation mode.

Not only for serialization!

The operation modes are not only used to serialize and deserialize objects, but can also to provide additional functionality like validation and introspection.


The validation operation mode is used to validate objects. It is used by the @validate annotation and can be used to validate objects before they are serialized, or to validate objects that have been deserialized.


While the name may be a bit misleading, the auto form field factory is also an operation mode that is used to derive flutter form fields from structures.