Tree Converters
Tree converters are a special type of converter that can be used to convert a complex type tree
structure. To register a tree converter, you must call the registerTreeBaseFactory
method of the
. This method takes a Type
and a TreeBaseConverterFactory
instance as arguments.
For more details on when tree converters are used, refer to the Field Serialization
List Converter using createIterableFactory
final listFactory = TreeBaseConverterFactory.createIterableFactory<List>(
wrap: <T>(Iterable<T> entries) => entries.toList(),
unwrap: <T>(List value) => value,
and unwrap
are used to convert the iterable to and from the tree's base type.
Map Converter using NTreeArgConverter
final mapFactory = TreeBaseConverterFactory.createNargsFactory<Map>(
nargs: 2, consume: <K, V>() => MapNTreeArgConverter<K, V>()
class MapNTreeArgConverter<K,V> extends NTreeArgConverter<Map> {
Map deserialize(value, DogEngine engine) {
return (value as Map).map<K,V>((key, value) => MapEntry<K,V>(
deserializeArg(key, 0, engine),
deserializeArg(value, 1, engine),
serialize(Map value, DogEngine engine) {
return, value) => MapEntry(
serializeArg(key, 0, engine),
serializeArg(value, 1, engine),
are used to convert complex types that have a fixed number of type arguments.
The consume method is used to expand the stored type arguments to usable generic type arguments
which then need to be used to create a NTreeArgConverter. The NTreeArgConverter
class provides
the deserializeArg
and serializeArg
methods to convert generic items using the converter
associated with the type argument at the given index.
Complex Container using NTreeArgConverter
final containerFactory = TreeBaseConverterFactory.createNargsFactory<Container>(
nargs: 3,
consume: <A,B,C>() => ContainerConverter<A,B,C>(),
class Container<A,B,C> {
final A a;
final B b;
final C c;
Container(this.a, this.b, this.c);
String toString() => "Container<$A, $B, $C>($a, $b, $c)";
class ContainerConverter<A,B,C> extends NTreeArgConverter<Container> {
Container deserialize(value, DogEngine engine) {
return Container<A,B,C>(
deserializeArg(value["a"], 0, engine),
deserializeArg(value["b"], 1, engine),
deserializeArg(value["c"], 2, engine),
serialize(Container value, DogEngine engine) {
return {
"a": serializeArg(value.a, 0, engine),
"b": serializeArg(value.b, 1, engine),
"c": serializeArg(value.c, 2, engine)